Sunspots Observation for 2014 February
Sunspots Observation 2014 FEBRUARY
Year: 2014
Month: February
OBSERVER: German Morales C.
Astronomia Sigma Octante
Instr.: SCT
Fl: 2000mm Aperture: 200mm Aperture stop used: 90mm
Method: Projection Image diameter: 140mm
Day UT Q g s R Ng Ns NR Sg Ss SR cR CV IS M Cld Remarks
1 * 100 RaIN
2 1400 4 4 109 149 1 36 46 3 73 103 120 107 113 5
3 * 100 raiN
4 ! 100 RaIn
5 1730 3 6 90 150 2 39 59 4 51 91 56 129 96 20
6 1530 3 8 110 190 3 43 73 5 67 117 71 186 118 60 cirrus
7 1710 2 6 83 143 2 28 48 4 55 95 31 148 89 95
8 * 100 rain
9 1310 3 8 94 174 2 21 41 6 73 133 78 231 102 30
10 1710 3 7 65 135 2 17 37 5 48 98 82 126 72 70
11 2025 3 7 78 148 2 9 29 5 69 119 66 122 85 90
12 1730 3 6 66 126 2 9 29 4 57 97 62 133 72 80
13 1720 3 5 64 114 1 2 12 4 62 102 66 138 69 80
14 1730 3 4 61 101 1 1 11 3 60 90 90 116 64 100 st. cirrus
15 1540 3 4 52 92 0 0 0 4 52 92 56 101 56 10
16 1540 3 4 58 98 0 0 0 4 58 98 61 102 62 25
17 1900 3 7 51 121 1 3 13 6 48 108 29 135 58 85
18 1730 3 8 53 133 1 1 11 7 52 122 24 134 59 30
19 1930 3 6 51 111 1 3 13 5 48 98 24 135 57 70
20 ! 100 RAIn
21 1550 4 9 81 171 4 13 53 5 68 118 103 109 90 5
22 1430 4 7 78 148 3 16 46 4 62 102 102 126 85 0
23 1740 3 7 101 171 4 33 73 3 68 98 118 138 108 100 st. cirrus
24 1720 3 9 79 169 5 21 71 4 58 98 93 126 88 100 cirrus
25 2140 3 12 77 197 6 26 86 6 51 111 118 173 88 30
26 1725 2 11 83 193 4 26 66 7 57 127 78 190 93 100 st. cirrus
27 1540 4 14 104 244 7 51 121 7 53 123 141 218 117 10 cirrus
28 1550 3 12 78 198 3 22 52 9 56 146 96 180 89 10
Sunspots observation summary
Year: 2014
Month: February
OBSERVER: German Morales C.
Astronomia Sigma Octante
Monthly Mean R = 151.1
NR = 43.0 SR = 108.1 cR = 76.7
CV = 143.6 IS = 83.9
Q = 3.1 Cld = 60.9%
The Sun has been observed 23 days on 28 possible.
5 cloudy days impede observe the Sun
Column Headings
UT: UTC at middle of observation
Q: Quality seeing
1 Bad, 2 Poor, 3 Fair, 4 Good, 5 Excelent
R: Wolf relative number for whole disc
g: Total Groups, s: Total Spots
NR: Wolf Relative number North hemisphere
Ng: North Groups, Ns: North Spots
SR: Wolf Relative number South hemisphere
Sg: South Groups, Ss: South Spots
cR: Wolf Relative number Central
CV: Classification Value after Malde for whole disc
IS: Inter Sol index for whole disc
M: ! Cloudy all day
* Cloudy at observation hours
X Impossible to make any kind of observation
Cld: Percentage of cloudy sky
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